As I sort of tried to establish a little shop review about my personal faves in Cologne, I gonna inform you about my next hotspot: It's MTWTFSS Weekday. Actually, the shop is no insider tip anymore, but definitely worth a report. But as my weekend is totally booked up, I'll post on monday again, so you have to be patient!!
Hey Sabrina! I just discovered your blog! I love it and it is very interesting. I am wondering what font are you using in your blog? Hope i am not too curious. ;) If so...i will understand.
Hey Nina!! Thx, it's great seeing readers like you who renjoy reading my blog, really encourages me to go on with it. Ehm, I'm using a quite simple layout with a font called "WALTER TURNCOAT" (30 px) for titles and "COMING SOON" (14 px) for entries, hope it clarifies your question :)
ReplyDeletexx Sabrina
Hello Sabrina! Thank you very much for being so nice, thanks for quick answer! Keep going with such an awesome blog!
ReplyDeleteAll the best,