Stumbling upon inspiration can happen anywhere - no matter if you're rambling through the streets or experience that one magical moment while you're listening to a great song or while a stunning picture is captivating you. It's always like in one of those childish video games when you pick up those shiny things which make you invincible for a while. Just pick it and run. Run as far as your feet will carry you. Run with it like you stole it. And then pause to cherish the moment. 'Cause inspiration won't wait for you. But if you're in search of a sudden flash of wit, Pinterest might help you.
Pinterest is one of those magical places where inspiration stops at nothing. Don't know if you came across it yet but to me it's a really great source when I have a mental blank and desperately need some inspiration. It's an online pinboard where you can share your thoughts but foremost pics with others. I would say it's something between Flickr and Tumblr. One time you're logged in, you can like, comment and repin the things you love onto your own board. So, it's really meant to inspire you while you're foraging for a special word or phrase in the searchbar. I like.
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