Gold rush

In addition to what I posted on Monday, I stumbled upon some stunning cuffs which I don't want to withhold from you. It's been years now that I bought my first statement jewelry - it was a studded armlet by Mango - but this purchase was the trigger for my weakness for outsized jewelry I guess. I mean, it's so easy to throw on a bold bangle giving any basic ensemble that effortless touch of edge in a jiffy. I regret to say that most of above is high in price but still on my wishlist. In case you don't agree on the price, Grace made a similar DIY for Bullet Cuffs that looks easy enough to attempt. Otherwise, read more for the manufacturer's data.

1 comment:

  1. Danke dir für den total lieben Kommi. Dein Blog finde ich eine gute Idee. Muss ja nicht immer etwas persönliches sein. Dieser Post gefällt mir besonders, da ich total auf goldenen Schmuck abfahre.


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